CyberWar Anti Espionage Data Defense Systems
Transform any Android Device into a
Mobile Encryption Machine
Let us know your secrecy needs in terms of cyber defense of top classified communications and data transfers.
We are here to help you achieve total secrecy.
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No login info for entering the platform, there is not username and password.
The User needs to enter a "Secret Passphrase"
This Passphrase is not a password ! This passphrase is not registered anywhere.
The passphrase inserted, along with our encryption algorithms creates on the spot 4 different encryption keys that will be used for encrypting the data, with 4 different symmetric encryption systems, in 4 consecutive times, it means each file is encrypted 4 times, with 4 different encryption keys, and 4 different encryption systems.
The Passphrase is creating your encryption keys for the current session, and each time you change it will change the encryption keys, this passphrase can can changed on a constant basis, as much as you want.
Remember the passphrase because you will need it , the moment you want to decipher the encrypted file.
The + sign below the passphrase windows allows multiple people to participate in the encryption of the data, what is called "Multi Signature" scenario , where two or more user encrypt the same data, while no one knows the passphrase of the other person and for then decrypting the joint encrypted file, both of them will have to insert their own secret phrase.

TOTAL ABSENCE of Key Management Needs :
Key management refers to management of cryptographic keys in a cryptosystem.
This includes dealing with the generation, exchange, storage, use, crypto-shredding (destruction) and replacement of keys. It includes cryptographic protocol design, key servers, user procedures, and other relevant protocols. There is not need for all the above mentioned.
NO NEED to get keys securely to thousands of crypto boxes in the field, perhaps the most challenging part of any encryption system. No Need for technology for distributing keys in a way that the humans never have access to plaintext key.
Based on what is called " Pre Shared" Secret between two communicating parties.

The Passphrase can be written in any language with any letters or symbols.
When Encrypting Data to be stored it is important to memorize the passphrase otherwise the data encrypted cannot be deciphered, there is no backup, anywhere .
When sending an encrypted file to a third party, upon its arrival, in order for them to decipher the data, they will need the same exact encryption system ( same version as yours) , and they will need to insert the same passphrase, this is called "Pre Shared Secret".

You now entered the main dashboard, and you can choose between encrypting or decrypting
Any type of file can be encrypted, in addition you can encrypt instantly text messages, videos and audio messages taken on the spot
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Let's start with text encryption:
You type the text message, click encrypt and the encrypted message shows up, you can opt to copy the encrypted text, paste it and send it ( for example on an email) or you can scan, take a picture, copy, save or share the QR code generated, that actually is the actual encrypted text message.
The advantage of the QR code is that the transfer of the encrypted data , out of the Cipher Machine is done visually ( by scanning) , without any physical connection needed, what is called "Pure Air Gapped" Transfer

Perfect Secrecy (or information-theoretic secure) means that the ciphertext conveys no information about the content of the plaintext. In effect this means that, no matter how much ciphertext you have, it does not convey anything about what the plaintext and key were.
When used correctly, the One Time Pad (OTP) is information-theoretic secure, which means it can't be broken with cryptanalysis.
When the text is encrypted, you have a few options :
1. Take a picture of the QR code (that contains the encrypted text) with an online connected device for then sending this QR code, online, to the receiver.
The QR code can be securely sent online, by any means, because it cannot be deciphered.
2. Second Option is to save this QR code on the encryption device itself and to have it on file, when needed later on to be deciphered.
3. Another option is to just copy the encrypted text and paste it on an email , or messengers like WhatsApp, Telegram, Signal, this in case you want to connect the offline device to the internet for a few seconds , just to send out the encrypted text.

Sending an Ultra Encrypted Message to a third party, online, without ever actually sending him anything directly, meaning that no direct digital trace is left.
The sender encrypt a text message on his Offline Cipher Machine, scan the QR code with his internet connected device and share the QR code on an anonymous account on any social media. Then the receiver just needs to reach that post and scan the QR code shared with his Offline Cipher Machine and read the plain text message.
In order for the receiver to be able to decipher the QR code, he needs to use the same passphrase used by the sender and of course work with the same encryption system version of the sender.
Traffic flow security
Making sure an adversary cannot obtain information from traffic analysis.
Traffic analysis is the process of intercepting and examining messages in order to deduce information from patterns in communication. It can be performed even when the messages are encrypted.

Encrypted Email Scenario:
You can take a picture with your online connected cellphone, of the QR code, attach this image to an email ands send it out to the receiver. He then open the email on his smartphone and scan the QR code received with his offline encryption system and read the decrypted text .
Never trust any encrypted email providers, the moment they are the ones creating the encryption keys , manage them and store them for you, it's game over.
In this way , if you encrypt the content of your email and send it out encrypted , nobody will ever be able to decipher the content sent , besides the designated receiver.
Offline Encrypted Communications Modus Operandi
Imagine this “covert communications” scenario:
Bob wants to send Alice an extremely confidential text message.
Bob is encrypting the message on his Mobile Encryption Machine.
The encrypted message is transformed into a QR Code, then with an online connected device , Bob scan the QR code generated from his offline encryption machine .
This QR code containing the encrypted message is then posted by Bob’s online connected device, on an anonymous Twitter account that is then visited by Alice, who owns the same Offline Cipher Machine .
Alice then scan the QR code from the Twitter post ( or any other social media or cloud storage service) and decipher it , totally offline, on her own encryption system that is powered by the same set of encryption algorithms of Bob’s system.
No direct encrypted messages ever sent to the “receiver”,just posted online in an ultra encrypted form, on anonymous social media accounts , by the sender, to be then scanned and deciphered by the receiver.
Encryption and Decryption happens totally offline .
The Offline Cipher Machines never get connected even physically(by cables) to the online device for transferring encrypted data!
The sender and receiver pre shared their daily pass phrase in order to create on the spot the encryption/decryption keys.Pure OTP Cipher.
Encryption Keys are never stored anywhere or exchanged with the communicating party.Encryption Keys are crated on spot by the user and then permanently erased from the cipher machine.
SuperEncryption Methodology where 4 different encryption keys are created and each data is encrypted 4 consecutive times, with 4 different encryption algorithms, creating a 4 layered encrypted file that becomes mathematically uncrackable, no matter how much computational power is applied.
Each client gets his own , unique, personal set of encryption algorithms, creating like that a closed network of dedicated cipher machines for each organization or company.No two companies use the same encryption system.

There are cases in which sending an encrypted text or QR code, may attract unnecessary attention , like communicating with CEOs while they travel in non democratic countries where they can be spied or constantly under digital surveillance.
In those cases the user can encrypt a text message and the encrypted file is generated in the form on an image , looking like a normal pic or an ad, and send this out or post it online on some social media , instead of the QR code. Then the receiver will scan this image as he does with the QR code and decipher the text securely on his offline machine.
The Cipher System Can Be Used for:
1) Quantum Safe Data Storage Solution: data encrypted can be securely stored on any cloud, online storage, servers, and all online or cellular connected devices.
2) Offline Communications : Private, Unique Encryption System and Encrypted Network, with a dedicated set of encryption algorithms for Ultra Encrypted Covert Communications and Secure Online Files Transfers.

The Encryption System is Tamper resistance & self-destruct – ensuring security even if encryption systems are physically accessed without authorization or are captured.
Kerckhoffs's principle , also called Kerckhoffs's doctrine or law of cryptography. The main idea behind Kerckhoff's principle is that the security of a cryptographic system should not rely on the secrecy of the algorithm or the implementation. Instead, the security of the system should depend on the key, which should be kept secret by the users of the system. This is important because it means that the security of the system does not depend on the secrecy of the algorithm or implementation, which can be compromised or reverse-engineered.
The principle holds that a cryptosystem should be secure, even if everything about the system, except the key, is public knowledge. This concept is widely embraced by cryptographers.
According to this doctrine the system itself should not require to be kept "secret" , and it should not be a problem if it falls into enemy hands;It must be possible to communicate and remember the key without using written notes, and correspondents must be able to change or modify it at will; It must be portable, and should not require several persons to handle or operate ;
Given the circumstances in which it is to be used, the system must be easy to use and should not be stressful to use or require its users to know and comply with a long list of rules.
Robustness − Ensuring that the security of a system does not depend on the secrecy of the algorithm or implementation makes the system more robust and less vulnerable to attacks.
Key management − By relying on the secrecy of the key to provide security, the key can be changed or rotated as needed to further enhance the security of the system.

Let's encrypt a file !
You click on the main dashboard " Encrypt > File "
Then you choose a file to encrypt from your folders on the cipher machine,
you click encrypt and you will see the encrypted file with extension ".dbenc" .
You can now save the encrypted file on the device or share it in different ways,
in this below example it has been sent by Gmail.
For sharing the encrypted file , you can attach to the offline encryption device an encrypted external disk or encrypted USB.
We provide all secure unidirectional cables and external data storage systems to our users, enabling import and export encrypted files safely to and from the offline device.

The Encrypted File should be "named" and then can be shared or stored securely on the offline encryption device.

Encrypted files are generated by the user directly on the offline device or transferred to the offline encryption device, stored, for then being encrypted.
After the encryption, the encrypted file can be stored or shared in various methods. The safest one if to use our encrypted USBs and External Encrypted Data Disks ( Kingston) , this is in case you do not want to connect the encryption device to the internet, and keep it always offline.
In case you can afford a lower level of security, you can pass the encrypted files by Bluetooth, Android Beam , Nearby Share , all of them are encrypted form on communications that are safe enough , you just need to make sure that you close all those communication options after sending the encrypted file.
A Third option is to connect the device for a few seconds and send out the encrypted file by email, or a messenger app or upload it to a cloud service.
The Fourth Option is to use a WiFi USB ( SandDisk) and let the device connect only to this specific WiFi for obvious security reasons.

"Data That Cannot Be Read Is
Useless To Cyber Criminals, Spyware & Digital Forensic "

Anti Spyware: Crygma Encrypted Files can be saved and shared safely from any smartphone even if infected by a potent spyware or malware: the spyware may hack from you the encrypted file but anyway they will not be able to decipher it.
Anti Digital Forensic Analysis: In case your smartphone is lost, seized or stolen, the content of the phone can be retrieved by advanced digital forensic tools, but anyway the Crygma encrypted files cannot the deciphered and read.
Anti Ransomware: Cyber Criminals cannot threaten you to publish your most confidential data they locked, because they can read it anyway.

Software For Generating
Complex OTP Passphrases
You need to create a passphrase that is simple to remember!
Rule: More simple the 'secret' is, more simple is to keep it secret!
We have a special complex passphrase generator, that you can use , where you insert your simple passphrase and it will create for you 10 different long strings that you can then use on the encryption system as a complex passphrase instead of the short one.
Let's now choose to encrypt an image or an audio/video message.
Both can be executed in two ways:
either you choose from your saved files, an image or audio file to encrypt , or you take a picture or video on the spot or register an audio message in real time and then decide if to store or share the encrypted files generated.

When selecting what to encrypt 'Image' or 'Video' , the system will ask if you want to choose from the files stored on the device or to use the camera, if you opt to use the camera, it will ask you permission to use the camera , you click allow.
After you took the image or video, click 'ok' and it will save the file on the system and then you can 'encrypt' it , after you will see the encrypted file ( with the .dbec extension) you can opt to save it or share it , as done with any encrypted files.

You can register an audio message for then encrypt it and send it out to the receiver . Remember to allow the system to access your microphone.
After finishing to record your voice message, you can play it to listen or click the Red V and then click on 'Encrypt" , the audio file will become an encrypted .dbenc file to be shared.

The same as Encryption, you have the opposite option of "Decryption".
You can choose to decrypt an encrypted text received or a file.
You can opt to decipher encrypted text received in the form of a QR code or Image by clicking on ' Scan QR code' from Camera. Of course the Encrypted QR code or Image to be scanned should reside on another device from which you scan it from.
And you can decrypt files stored previously on your cipher machine, including QR codes .

Instead of scanning or importing QR codes to be deciphered, the sender can send you the encrypted message in the form of an encrypted text that you copy and paste it in the window and by clicking 'decrypt' you will see the original text.

To Decipher an encrypted file, you need to first import it to the offline encryption machine, and save it on the device, you will see it with the file ending with .dbec , you choose that file to decrypt, you will see it within the system, then click "decrypt' and the original decrypted file will appear.
You can then click on the file itself and you will see the original file or opt to save the original decrypted version on your device, or just erase it after you watching it.

What is the 'Multi Signature' Feature ?
Let's say that a confidential file must be encrypted by two parties, so that no one can access the system and decrypt the file alone..... in this case two people are entering their own secret passphrase, without knowing each the passphrase of the other.
Just by clicking the + sign below the passphrase window, the second person can enter his own passphrase and then whatever is encrypted, will remain encrypted until both passphrase will be inserted.
There are no limits for how many people can encrypt together a joint file.
There are different scenarios for the multi signature feature, for example to creating a secured multi layer access, where different people can access part of the encrypted content.
Or a single user can create more a complex passphrase by adding with the + additional words.
Confidentiality and authentication – making sure messages cannot be read by unauthorized people and that they cannot be forged (nonrepudiation).
Offline Cipher Machine
for Windows