The DigitalBank Vault® philosophy is that security needs to be made easy enough to be usable.
The most secure system is simply not useful if it is so complicated nobody
is willing to use it.
The only way to do that is to make encryption easy to use.
This is why DigitalBank Vault® works went to great lengths to make the cryptography completely invisible to the user.
“totally anonymous, device-to-device encrypted communications, brought to you by a globally trusted and recognized secure cyber defense experts ”
“Proven. Reliable. Uncrackable. Benchmarked. Simply Secure,”
DigitalBank Vault® Encryption Machine Enables Secure Device to Device Encrypted Messaging with full Anonymous Communication
Anti Interception, Anti Surveillance, Anti Wiretapping
& Anti Data Eavesdropping Technologies
The content and identity of the clients are not stored on any server and that the content is encrypted data, which is indecipherable, on third-party servers, which we have no access to.
The DigitalBank Vault guarantees in the face of a warrant we do not possess the ability to compromise the historic or future communications of the people that bought the device, either intentionally or unintentionally because the devices are 100% anonymous, ran and controlled only by the client, this is a fully decentralized communication system that we do not own any control over it, we cannot access any data, we cannot know who accessed the device or when it has been used.
Absolute Privacy
Unfortunately, mobile phones were not designed for privacy and security. Not only do they do a poor job of protecting your communications, but they also expose you to new kinds of surveillance risks—especially location tracking that is the deepest privacy threat from mobile phones.
Mobile phone networks were not originally designed to use technical means to protect subscribers' calls against eavesdropping. That meant that anybody with the right kind of radio receiver could listen in on the calls.
Phones can get viruses and other kinds of malware (malicious software), either because the user was tricked into installing malicious software, or because someone was able to hack into the device using a security flaw in the existing device software. As with other kinds of computing devices, malicious software can then spy on the device's user.
Forensic Analysis of Seized Phones
There is a well-developed specialty of forensic analysis of mobile devices. An expert analyst will connect a seized device to a special machine, which reads out data stored inside the device, including records of previous activity, phone calls, and text messages.
The forensic analysis may be able to recover records that the user couldn't normally see or access, such as deleted text messages, which can be undeleted.
Forensic analysis can sometimes bypass
screen locking, especially on older phones.
The DigitalBank Vault Encryption Machines does not store permanently any kind of data and in case the device will be subject to forensic analysis, only useless pieces of fragmented & encrypted data will be retrieved.